

Steel Cord Conveyor Belts

Jonson Middle East FZC introduces Steel Cord Conveyor Belts for the current mining techniques which demands that Conveyor Belts should handle even greater volumes, with increased centre distances and high lifts, all of which necessitated a stronger belting. Yet, the high strength of the Steel Cord tension carrier is not the only reason why Steel Cord belts are increasingly being used as an optimum and economic alternative to other bulk material handling alternatives.


  • Belts reinforced with Steel Cords deliver extremely high strengths.

  • Low Elongation, high impact resistance.

  • Steel Cord Conveyor Belts have a long life expectancy.

  • Excellent Troughability.

  • Large Centre Distances can be planned.

  • Long Splice Life and Strength.

  • Low Pulley Diameters can be used.

  • Easily Reconditioned and rejuvenated.

Cover Grades

Jonson Middle East FZC provides its entire range of Steel Cord Belts (in widths upto 2400mm and in ratings upto ST 10000) in General purpose or Fire Resistant grades (refer to chart below). Heat Resistant and Oil Resistant Belts can be supplied.

All General Purpose Grade Belts and Fire Resistant Belts can also be supplied with a low rolling resistance compound for the back cover to optimize power consumption.

Cover Grade Standards (Whenever Applicable) Applications
X,Y M DIN-22131 ISO-EN-15236 AS-1333 SABS-1336 X and M- are for toughest applications where very large abrasive lumps are handled. Y are General purpose for handling of abrasive materials.
Fire Resistant DIN-22131 ISO EN-1340 FRAS S-1334 SABS-1336 MSHA CAN-CSA C-M422-M87 Excellent self extinguishing properties,mainly used for overload or underground coal and gold mining.
Standard Steel Cord Range
ST Rating Recomm-ended Cord Dia(mm) Pitch (mm) ±1.5 Belt Width Minimum Recommended Pulley Diameters (mm) for MAWT utilisation > 60%
600 650 750 800 900 1000 1050 1200 1400 1500 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 A B C
500 2.6 13.8 42 45 52 56 63 70 74 84 99 106 113 128 142 156 169 400 315 250
560 2.8 13.8 42 45 52 56 63 70 74 84 99 106 113 128 142 156 169 500 400 300
630 3.0 13.8 42 45 52 56 63 70 74 84 99 106 113 128 142 156 169 500 400 300
710 3.1 13.8 42 45 52 56 63 70 74 84 99 106 113 128 142 156 169 500 400 300
800 3.3 13.8 42 45 52 56 63 70 74 84 99 106 113 128 142 156 169 500 400 300
900 3.8 15.3 37 40 47 50 56 63 66 76 89 96 102 115 128 141 151 630 500 400
1000 4.0 15.3 37 40 47 50 56 63 66 76 89 96 102 115 128 141 151 630 500 400
1120 4.3 15.3 37 40 47 50 56 63 66 76 89 96 102 115 128 141 151 630 500 400
1250 4.5 15.3 37 40 47 50 56 63 66 76 89 96 102 115 128 141 151 800 630 500
1400 4.8 15.3 37 40 47 50 56 63 66 76 89 96 102 115 128 141 151 800 630 500
1600 5.5 17.3 33 36 42 45 50 56 59 67 75 89 90 102 113 124 135 800 630 500
1800 5.9 17.3 33 36 42 45 50 56 59 67 75 89 90 102 113 124 135 1000 800 630
2000 6.4 17.3 33 36 42 45 50 56 59 67 75 89 90 102 113 124 135 1000 800 630
2250 6.8 17.3 33 36 42 45 50 56 59 67 75 89 90 102 113 124 135 1000 800 630
2500 7.4 19.4 30 32 37 40 45 50 52 60 70 75 81 91 101 111 119 1250 1000 800
2800 8.0 19.4 30 32 37 40 45 50 52 60 70 75 81 91 101 111 119 1250 1000 800
3150 8.6 19.4 30 32 37 40 45 50 52 60 70 75 81 91 101 111 119 1250 1000 800
3350 9.2 19.4 30 32 37 40 45 50 52 60 70 75 81 91 101 111 119 1400 1250 1000
4000 9.8 19.4 30 32 37 40 45 50 52 60 70 75 81 91 101 111 119 1600 1400 1250
4500 10.4 19.4 30 32 37 40 45 50 52 60 70 75 81 91 101 111 119 1600 1400 1250
5000 11.0 19.4         45 50 52 60 70 75 81 91 101 111 119 1600 1400 1250
5600 11.8 19.4         45 50 52 60 70 75 81 91 101 111 119 1800 1600 1400
6300 12.8 20         43 48 50 58 68 73 78 88 98 108 116 2000 1800 1600